jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2008

Assigment 4. Everybody let's blog!

I choose Fabiola Vergara's blog, because she is one of my classmate of education and I know she is very hard working and her blog will be very interesting.

The first thing that calls my attention is the shape and the colours of the background, that is a little sad, but helps to highligth the photografs and the texts. Paying more attention on the assigments done and the information given in the blog I thing that is a very good one, organized, with all the homework done at time and with a lot of photografs and links that makes the reading more entertaining. Some post there are not very well in the gramatically way, but you can clearly see that the autor is a student doing her best to learn and improve her english.

My favourite post is the one that talks about Leonardo da Vinci and his work of art The Last Supper because I am agree with Fabiola about Leonardo being the universal genius, and I thing he is one of the most talented man that have ever been existed in the world.

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