When I went to saw Wall-e it was because me and my boyfriend invited my little brother for his birthday. We went there to saw an other movie, but the tickets were off, so we have to settle with the other movie. At first we didn't have faith in this movie, we thought it will be a little boring and for very small children. But when we started to saw it we realized that it wasn't that bad.
The movie was about a very nice and old robot, Wall-e, who was in charge of decontaminate the earth while all the people that's lives there was having vacations in a spaceship manipulated by other robots.
Wall-e works alone in the earth until Eva, another robot, that cames for the spaceship, arrived. The two robot after some figths started a friendship relation. Wall-e shows the world to Eva, and all the things that he has found in between the garbage that people leave before going on there vacations. But when he shows Eva a plant something strange happen, she go off and a little spaceship take her away.
After that it happens many things that you will discover if you see the movie. I recommended because is a very sweet movie, with a beautiful relation, and a interesting moral.