Started on Friday night with a party. There I had a good time
with my school friends, we talked about our lives in the last week and laught about differents things. We try to get together all the weekends but some of them is imposible, becauce university staf, like homework, quizes or tests.
On Saturday I slept until lunch and then went to the UMCE to play a volleyball game. I play in the faculty team with girls of the diferent carrers that we have in Social, and 2 that study in Science. I love playing volley and having fun with my team friends.

After the game I came home to study a little and went to bed early, after cheeking my mail, my facebook and chat for a while.
On Sunday I went to worked all day. I work in a place call Gunys, where kids can go to celebrate there birthday. I am working there for 4 years more or less, the job is funny but it is also very tiring, you have to get there at 10 in the morning, and go home at 8 the most of the days. But it is satisfactory to go to the banc at the end of the month and change your check. That's why I take so much time working here.